loan officer

Danh Phan

Sr. Mortgage Banker

NMLS 851841

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    “I got into mortgages through my passion for real estate. The opportunity to help people find their ideal home is amazing. It’s helping them accomplish a major goal in life.”


    Danh grew up in Orange County, California. After college, he was a supervisor at Wells Fargo. While in the financial industry, he became increasingly interested in mortgages. After leaving Wells, he went directly into a mortgage company and learned the trade. He has both a real estate license and is a certified loan officer. Danh knew someone who worked at Fellowship, and they asked him to interview for a loan officer role. After a few months of conversing back and forth, Danh agreed to join the team at Fellowship.

    “At Fellowship, everything is transparent. In other jobs, there was always information we might disclose or not. At Fellowship, it’s different, and everyone is well vested in the ideal interest of the client, making sure they get the ideal deal possible.”

    When not working, Danh spends a lot of time with his bride. He has been in a youth group since 1994, and still participates actively as a youth group leader. Doing this since he was 18, it is a very fulfilling method of service for him to give back to the community. He also likes to relax at home and spend time outdoors either camping or exploring the wonders of California.

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